Java PreconditionValidator-class And Method Code Example
The PreconditionValidator
class from the logback.core package can be used to validate preconditions before starting a Logback configuration.
Here is an example of how the PreconditionValidator
class could be used to ensure that the mylog.log file can be written to before starting the Logback configuration:
import ch.qos.logback.core.util.FileSize;
import ch.qos.logback.core.util.PreconditionValidator;
// ...
PreconditionValidator pv = new PreconditionValidator();
pv.checkCanWrite("mylog.log", new FileSize(1024L * 1024L));
// Continue with Logback configuration
In this example, the PreconditionValidator
class is used to check if the file mylog.log can be written to by calling the checkCanWrite() method and passing in the file path and the FileSize object representing the minimum allowed file size.
This method throws a runtime exception if the file cannot be written to or its size is less than the specified size. In this example, it will check the file can write, and if the file size is less than 1MB it will throw a exception.
It is important to note that the PreconditionValidator
class is only a utility class and not a required part of a Logback configuration. It's mainly used for validation and it's up to the developer to choose when and how to use it.