Java StatusBase-class And Method Code Example
Here is an example of a class extending StatusBase in Logback:
import ch.qos.logback.core.status.StatusBase;
public class MyStatus extends StatusBase {
private String message;
public MyStatus(int level, String message) {
this.message = message;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public String toString() {
return "MyStatus(" + getLevel() + ") " + message;
This class is an example of a custom Status in Logback, which can be used to convey information, warnings, or errors about the internal state of the logging system. It extends StatusBase, a basic implementation of the Status interface.
The class includes two constructors, one that takes the level of the status, and another that takes the level and the message of the status. The getMessage method is overridden to return the message of the status and the toString method is overridden to return a string representation of the status.
It is important to note that the StatusBase class provides a basic implementation of the Status interface, which is used to convey information, warnings, or errors about the internal state of the logging system. The Status interface is used to report the status of various components of the logging system and can be used to report on the progress of logback initialization, the creation of appenders and filters, and the handling of log events.