Java FilteringGeneratorDelegate-class And Method Code Example

I apologize, but there is no such class as "FilteringGeneratorDelegate" in the Apache Commons IO library. It seems that you might be confusing it with other class or package.

Apache Commons IO provides several classes for working with files and IO operations, but it doesn't have any class with the name "FilteringGeneratorDelegate" and doesn't have any feature related to it.

If you are looking for a way to filter or modify the contents of a file as it is being read or written, you could use the FileUtils.filter(File, IOFileFilter, IOFileFilter) method, which allows you to specify two IOFileFilter objects: one for including files, and one for excluding files.

Here is an example of using the FileUtils.filter method to copy all files from a directory, but exclude files with the .bak extension:


public class FileFilteringExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        File sourceDir = new File("/path/to/source/dir");
        File destDir = new File("/path/to/dest/dir");

        IOFileFilter includeFilter = FileUtils.fileFileFilter();
        IOFileFilter excludeFilter = new NotFileFilter(new SuffixFileFilter(".bak"));

        FileUtils.copyDirectory(sourceDir, destDir, includeFilter, excludeFilter);

In this example, we first define two File objects, one for the source directory and one for the destination directory. We then create two IOFileFilter objects: one for including all files (FileUtils.fileFileFilter()), and one for excluding files with the .bak extension (SuffixFileFilter(".bak")).

The FileUtils.copyDirectory method is then used to copy all files from the source directory to the destination directory, using the include and exclude filters to determine which files should be copied.

You can also use the FileUtils.iterateFiles method to iterate through a directory and its subdirectories, applying filters to decide which files to process.